All questions have their merit. Please feel to contact us if you have any questions regarding your pools health.

My Poolman was just here. Why is it cloudy?

In most circumstances your Poolman put in chemicals to help balance the PH level or kill algae.

My pool is cloudy, what should I do?

We'd recommend emptying your skimmer baskets and pump baskets. Then leave your pump on 24hrs at a higher setting. This may help with mild cloudiness. Please contact Pineapple Pools Hawaii LLC immediately.

We just had a flood and our pool is murky. What do we do?

Please contact Pineapple Pools Hawaii LLC immediately. Worse case scenario we will need to drain your pool,  start with fresh water and startup chemicals. 


How often should I drain my pool?

That depends on the condition of your pool and in relation to your TDS (total dissovled solids), calcium Hardness, CYA (cyanuric acid) is in relation to desired ranges. If these ranges are acceptible then you do not need to drain, however if these levels are high it's recommended to drain half of the pool and replace it with fresh water. Overall its recommended to paritally drain your pool every few years.

What should my water level be?

The perfect water level is at the halfway point on the skimmer hatch/mouth along the side of the pool. Proper water level helps us to maintain your pump and filter. With the right water levels we can perform backwashes properly, emptying the filter of soil, grim, hair and other clogging debris. It will help keep your system running smoothly for years to come.

My pool was just shocked, when can I go swimming?

You can resume swimming after the cloudiness goes away.